We are excited to announce the new Virtual Elearning disAbility Awareness Program now available for schools for the 2020-2021 School Year. Educating Outside The Lines has created an interactive, comprehensive Virtual disAbility Awareness Program for grades K-5 to add to this year’s curriculum. We provide support for teachers by filling content hours, providing Social Emotional Learning curriculum, and engaging students in hands-on learning around ability and disability. Our goal with virtual programming is to be able to reach more students throughout the school year, and create ...
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The Myth of the Superhero Mom

I am super excited to be guest blogging today over at Easter Seals. Please check it out HERE – Easter Seals provides resources and services for both kids and adults with disabilities, and I am proud to be a part of it. Easterseals.com Blog.easterseals.com
Sharing Stories of Parenting the Special Needs Child Around the World

I NEED YOUR HELP and I WANT TO SHARE YOUR STORY Parents, I need your help with an important project, looking at special needs parenting from a global perspective. The purpose and focus of this project will be to address the day to day life of raising a young child with special needs. It…
Please stop learning at my daughter’s expense

The first day of summer or the first day of camp are supposed to be exciting and memorable and calm. But sometimes things don’t work out and it doesn’t go your way or the way you thought it should play out. I get that and I am not an evil, mean Mom waiting to pounce…
I Want My Kids to Think I Matter

I want my kids to actually think that I matter in the world, day to day. Not the grand scheme of how much they love and adore me (because of course that goes without saying, most days), but to actually take a minute and think “Yeah, that Mom lady sure does a lot for this…
50 Years Ago Today

Fifty years ago today my Mom sat rocking in a little house, and waited for me to be born. I’m sure waiting and wondering how all of this was going to turn out and what the future would hold for both her and for me. My Mom must have been quiet and worried, and full of…
Growing Up: Transitions and Disability

I have been sitting through meetings these last few weeks to plan the transition of my daughter to middle school. All is going well, and everyone seems to be on board with the plan. But as I sit there at the big table, I fight back my fears and try to sit tall in my chair and…