We are excited to announce the new Virtual Elearning disAbility Awareness Program now available for schools for the 2020-2021 School Year.
Educating Outside The Lines has created an interactive, comprehensive
Virtual disAbility Awareness Program
for grades K-5 to add to this year’s curriculum. We provide support for teachers by filling content hours, providing Social Emotional Learning curriculum, and engaging students in hands-on learning around ability and disability.
Our goal with virtual programming is to be able to reach more students throughout the school year, and create understanding and bonds across distances.
The virtual Educating Outside The Lines Disability Awareness Program features:
1. Teacher-approved virtual curriculum to bolster remote learning
2. Creative content to keep students engaged with live, interactive programming
3. Carefully developed Social Emotional Learning content to celebrate disability awareness with students, teachers, and families
4. Live speakers from around the globe sharing experiences and interact with students
5. Primer materials provided to parents and teachers in advance to facilitate at home learning
6. Extended lesson plans provided for teachers to continue to add SEL content throughout the school year
Please contact us for further information about the program and how to bring comprehensive, interactive and engaging disAbility Awareness programming to your curriculum.
Please contact me at pattyomachel@gmail.com for more information and to get on the calendar before all dates are full.
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