My plan for the week is to document what we do in our program and offer resources to any other parent/school who may need them and would like to either design a program or grow their current program. In addition, I welcome any ideas or new direction from anyone else. The only way to make this better is to learn from others.
The volunteer Moms and Dads, and our faculty and administration have been a huge part in the planning and of course, the execution of our program.
Tomorrow morning starts with Kids On The Block puppet troupe doing a presentation on Welcoming New Friends and Bullying. We also have our rotations in the fifth grade classes which look at Hidden Disabilities with mirror simulations, scrambled reading, and a program where the kids are wearing headphones with loud music, trying to focus on questions asked them by other children, and trying to complete work. It shows how difficult it can be for a child with ADD or ADHD to focus their attention with so much outside stimulation going on at the same time.
Please give me your feedback on any of our programming. Would love to hear it all!
Check out our great shirts that all of the volunteer parents and all of the teachers wear all week.
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