I had just enough summer. Not too much so it got old, but the perfect balance of free time, camp and travel. But I am ready for a schedule. Ready to feel like I am moving forward I think. Ready to know what each day will hold and how to accomplish managing it. I want to know what times they will go to bed and get up, and to think again about dinners and homework. Maybe I am crazy, but I am ready.
I wandered around in a daze for awhile in my house, not knowing where to start. Where do you jump in? Where do you start a new phase?
I am so comfortable being late and behind, and trying to scramble to catch up with everything. Now I had time, and space. But where do I start? Laundry? Dishwasher? Writing? Blogging? My actual job that I long to get caught up on? Where???
I am slowly finding the rhythm of this new song and enjoying it. I walked home at 8:30 am all by myself, feeling the sun on my face and strength in my legs, and relishing the perfect quiet of the world. I miss that feeling of just being me, and not just being Mom. And I am thankful that I have work I love and writing I crave, and life to organize.
It would just all be more fun with my Mom by my side to enjoy it.
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