Photo Courtesy of Unsplash Photographer Julia Revitt Every year at our Thanksgiving Dinner with my family, after lots of football and laughing and eating, and just being happy to be together, we circle the table with things we are thankful for that year. I am assuming this is the same for most families, and it…
Feeling like a hypocrite
So after my long post about my son’s report card and not being swayed by it, I have finally opened it.Today when he got into the car after school he asked if I had looked, and I honestly replied that no I hadn’t. I thought maybe he had looked at it, but he apparently wasn’t…
How do we measure success in our kids? Second time
Photo courtesy of Unsplash photographer Kim Daniel My son’s report card is posted online, and has been for several days now. I, however, have yet to look at it. I keep meaning to, but get sidetracked and ultimately forget. My friends are all over it, and have looked through their own kids report cards already,…
How do we measure success in our kids?
Sarcasm and Parenting
Photo by Unplash photographer Florian Klauer I recently read an article in HUffington Post Parents about a mom gone bad. More accurately, about a Mom who lost it one day and turned towards using sarcasm with her kids instead of being direct. It got me to thinking, and then to noticing, something I don’t like…
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Changing the Past
Who would ever wish to change this? Listening to NPR this morning they were talking about time travel, and who would want to go back in time and why. Some people were altruistic and wanted to go back and change history to save innocent lives. Others just wanted to go back and see a loved…
All By Myself
Photo from Unsplash by Lee Scott “Just drop me off here, Mom” I hear my daughter say. Those are very unfamiliar words in my ears. She wants to be without me? With her friends? I always dreamed of this moment on some level, but I think in my heart I knew it would never happen….
Too many things at once
Photo Credit of Thong Vo Today I wrote an amazing, insightful post. One about the power of letting our kids be bored. It had some real jewels in it, and I was proud. But at the same time I was getting ready to publish it, I was doing a few other things. I was answering…
Finding Direction
Photo by Ales Krivec from Unsplash I am on a quest this month to find my own voice with my blog and my passions about disability and children.November being NaBloPoMo, I thought it was a great opportunity to post and write with abandon, and to try during that time to find the focus I so desperately…