I literally think I am going to explode if I have to hear or watch another ad slamming and defacing someone’s opponent.
I know I can turn the radio dial or change the channel, which I constantly do, but I still feel inundated and smothered by them. I will never feel comfortable hearing people blatantly insulting each other in the name of politics. With all the focus on bullying and its effects, how can it be right to have my children hearing adults do that very thing that they are being taught to avoid and to not do to others.
I just once want someone who runs solely on their own merit. Solely on their own accomplishments and strengths and goals for the people. I want to vote for someone who holds my issues, the issues of my family with a child who is disabled, and know what that person will and can do for a parent in my situation.
I want a leader strong enough to just stand on his own beliefs and his own skills, without having to resort to the cowardly act of taking down the guy next to him. The ads are deplorable. The things they accuse each other of doing are horrible things that I would never support. But I still find myself looking at the one throwing the insults and making a judgement on their character as well.
Who is the right person to lead? The one strong enough to see everyone’s strengths and to realize where they can help others and change the world. Without being a bully or a coward.
That’s my opinion.
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